Bailey Models for Purdy Corsetry

September 08, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


So this weekend, my Saturday was spent with an extremely talented Wellington lady, and Corsetière extraordinaire from Purdy Corsetry as we did a photo shoot with two of her recent creations. 

These two beautifully crafted corsets were custom designs for the stunning, wasp-waisted Miss Bailey McCormack aka Fanciforia Foxglove.
Fanci is a well known Wellington Burlesque superstar and she was a fantastic model. We had so much fun, with a few hiccups along the way as some minor technical difficulties reared their heads near the start of the shoot - but thankfully I always have a backup plan! So with some quick adjustments we were back in business and the rest of the shoot went as smooth as the high quality silk Bailey was wrapped in!

Purdy Corsetry do custom made corsets, that are extremely high quality and she is an utter perfectionist. 
Her attention to detail is intriguing and having seen a lot of her work around Wellington, you can spot a Purdy corset a mile off by the amazing design, the perfect detailing, the beautiful classic couture feel, the perfect colour and fabric combinations and the shape of the waist. 
They are just divine - and the best part is that unlike a lot of corsets, they are so comfortable to wear, allow you to breathe, yet give you that voluptuous hourglass figure. 

So when you next need a corset, now you know where to look.......... Also, watch this space as I have been given the pleasure of working with Purdy Corsetry for her Official Collection shoot, which is coming up!  by Sharyn

Purdy CorsetryPurdy - 2 Purdy - 1 Purdy - 3

Model : Bailey McCormack                                                                                Makeup Artist : Petrice Mccarthy                                                          Corsetière : Purdy Corsetry


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